and you still want support, I have you covered. There are two options available for online coaching clients. Created especially for you if you want a program to follow in the gym and are self-motivated to get in and do the work. My online coaching clients, get results simply because they make sense of everything and take control. The steps we follow will ensure that you have everything you need to be successful .. all you have to do is .. yes you got it .. show up and do the work. To chat more about what your program will look like and how it works, fill in my form and I’ll be in touch.
This is ideal for you if you are looking for a 4-week plan to follow that you are confident doing on your own. You will have access to my App for Workouts & Tracking. We will have a set-up call to get you going and check in at the end of each month.
If you are looking for a 12-week exercise & nutrition plan that you are confident doing on your own but need more support to keep you accountable, then this is for you. You will access this via my App. We will have a set-up call to get you going and check in every 2 weeks, you will also receive a monthly review of your program based on your progress.
What Fiona has to say ..
Fiona was introduced to me by a mutual friend who knew how I was helping women transform their bodies. When we first met I remember her energy and drive to find improvements in her health and wellness were significant. I knew she was going to do brilliantly.
This is her story :
Before working with Colette I was unhappy with how I looked and felt. I was carrying more weight than I should and not exercising. I had never done anything like this before, so didn’t know what to expect, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to manage to do what I would be asked to do.
Colette is so easy to work with. She tailors a complete program to you and helps you to work around the situations you face. I was travelling a lot for work, so she put together a full program to accommodate this and guided me through the best things to eat and how to manage travel, diet and exercise.
There are so many things I have taken away from doing her program, but the one that comes to mind is self-belief and the knowledge that if I ever go back to where I was I know what I have to do and I also know what I have to do to not go back!