Tofu Balls with Brussel Tops
I was asked by one of my friends if I wanted some Brussel tops...Well if you are anything like me your response might have been just like mine!What on earth are Brussel tops?After some instruction on how to prepare them I set about pulling together a meal, so here is my recipe for tofu balls and Brussel tops with a tahini dressing.A delicious combination and definitely worth trying!For the Tofu Balls:2 packets of firm Tofu (I use Cauldron)1 large tin of Sweet Corn4 tbsp Tahini100g fresh Dill (finely chopped)100g fresh Parsley (finely chopped)2 Red Chillies (finely chopped)Himalayan Rock Salt & Black Pepper to seasonGram flour for dustingOlive or coconut oil for cooking
The first thing to do is to mash the tofu, I use a potato ricer to do this, add the other ingredients and mix well.Then shape into balls.I used a full tablespoon of the mixture for each ball.You can eat the mixture raw or you can bake or lightly fry them.I decided to lightly fry this recipe, so I dusted them with gram flour and drizzled them with some olive oil popped them into a heated pan.I cooked them until browned on one side and then gently turned them over to brown the other side.For the Brussel Tops:2 Brussel Tops1 tsp Cumin Seeds1 tsp Coconut Oil
I took all the leaves off the Brussel tops and trimmed away the stalks and the small Brussel sprouts (I set aside the baby sprouts).Then lightly stir-fried the greens in coconut oil and cumin seeds until they were soft.For the Tahini Dressing:2-3 cloves Garlic1/4 cup Tahini1/2 cup Lemon juice (approx 2 lemons)1 tbsp Lemon zest1 tsp Himalayan Rock Salt2 tbsp water, add to thin as neededWhen they were ready, I placed them onto my plate and added the Tofu Balls and drizzled with the tahini dressing.Delicious!