Introducing the Menopause PT
I had the privilege of speaking to my friend (and amazing hairdresser) Gustav Fouche this morning. He invited me to join him as a guest on his Instagram to talk about Menopause. It was so much fun! I wanted to share a few insights here and take you on a little journey as we unpack a few ideas about this time of life and what it means as we navigate it.
I speak to women every day who want to know where they are on the menopause path exactly. Figuring out how much of what they are experiencing is 'life' and how much is down to 'hormonal flux' is an important part of taking control.
Let's begin by defining Menopause and having a look at 34 known symptoms.
A woman in her mid-forties would be considered to be peri-menopausal with the average age of menopause in the UK being 51. Many women experiencing several symptoms may opt for HRT (hormone replacement therapy) via their GP or privately and for most this is life-changing. It certainly has been for me.
I wish I knew more about what to expect when I started my hormonal decline. I really do believe that the better educated we are, the easier these things are to navigate. Our lifestyle factors play a massive role in how we handle the transition and there are lots of things we can do to make our lives more pleasant as we travel this path.
If you are reading this post and in the midst of symptoms, feeling confused and alone, then please know one thing for sure, you are not alone, you are in good company.
I hope that by reading these words you take comfort in knowing this.
Menopause is not the end of the world, but rather the beginning of a brand new chapter .. what we focus on can improve our quality of life, when we control the controllables and are kind to ourselves in the process we make progress ..
In my recent Menopause Secrets Masterclass, we discussed my 5 Step formula that helps my clients move from where they are to where they want to be.
The first step is to figure out what really matters to you at this stage of life, from there we work together to design a nutrition plan, exercise, lifestyle and mindset strategy to get you to where you are thriving and doing what you dream of rather than feeling stuck.
I believe our lifestyle factors contribute about 80% to our experience of peri-menopause. If we can manage our stress, get enough sleep and recover adequately our ability to navigate becomes that much easier.
The 4 main pillars to focus on that will get you UN-STUCK .. are as follows

I realised in lockdown that my symptoms were out of control, I was so low I felt like I was in a freefall that I couldn't get out of. I experienced most of the symptoms on that list. Despite being healthy and fit. I felt so out of character it was terrifying. I am a positive happy person naturally and yet I felt stuck, exhausted, angry and depressed. Nothing I tried seemed to work and I put it down to lockdown .. where in reality much of what I was feeling was being magnified because my hormones were in a free fall.
I am sharing this for those who are perhaps feeling a little out of sorts and can't quite put their finger on what is wrong .. well all I can say is please go and get some help.
Reach out to me here by filling in my form, I can help you take the steps I have spoken about. Then go and see your GP and talk about your options. Taking care of these things will help you get unstuck and back in the driver's seat of your life.
There is so much that can be done to improve the quality of life at this stage so please rest assured there is a way to find balance, if discovering your waist is the key to your happiness, maybe fitting into your clothing is the thing, or perhaps you'd like to climb Ben Nevis! whatever is important to you and will help you feel fulfilled and healthy, then I can help you put together the nutrition and exercise plan that will get you there. At the same time, we develop a lifestyle & mindset strategy that works for you.
Reach out to me here and let's see what I can do to help you get UN-STUCK !!