Courgette Spaghetti With Marinara Sauce
This recipe will surprise your tastebuds - its raw ! If you prefer a warm courgette spaghetti feel free to pop this in the microwave to warm, then add the sauce, dulse flakes and basil. A very tasty and satisfying meal - I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Recipe makes 2-4 servings.You will need the following:1 Courgette per serving, spiralised1 Small Clove of Garlic, minced1 Cup Sun-dried Tomatoes1.5 Cups Chopped TomatoesI Tin of Chopped Tomatoes2 Large Dates, soaked, pitted1/2 Small Red Onion2 Tablespoons Olive OilSmall handful fresh Parsley choppedSmall handful of fresh Basil Chopped1/2 Cup Pitted OlivesHimalayan Salt & Black Pepper to tasteKelp or Dulse Flakes to sprinkle on top
Combine the garlic, tomatoes, dates, onion, olive oil, herbs, olives, seasoning and pulse till smooth, tada your authentic Marinara sauce.Spiralize the courgette.
Pop the courgette spaghetti on a plate, top with sauce, a sprinkle of parsley and dulse flakes and tuck in.Gorgeous, nutritious, raw ! Enjoy !